
Jasonelle's architecture is mainly composed of two different JavaScript Contexts. One is in the Kernel and the other is in the WKWebView instance.


The JLKernel is the main project for bootstrapping Jasonelle. It allows to communicate with the WKWebView and other tasks.


It's main tasks are:

  • Load configurations and other Javascript files, evaluate them and return the results.
  • Inject Javascript code to a Kernel Javascript Context (separated from the WebView).
  • Can use node_modules to allow use of external dependencies (they must be web browser compatible).

You can use the JSEngine by modifing the main.js. file.


The main.js file is capable of the following:

  • Import code from node_modules.
  • Define new actions than can be called from the webview using $
  • Listen to native events in hooks.
  • Configure native components ($pull).

Built-in JS Functions

Some of the built-in functions are the following:

  • i18n: Enables using native translation strings functions. So you can translate using Localizable.strings files.
  • color: Enables generating colors in native formats.
  • uuid: Enables generating uuidv4 strings.
  • log: Enables logging with native logger.
  • openURL: Enables opening an URL like sms://, tel://, mailto://, facetime://.


Is the project that will render the WKWebView. You can inject Javascript code directly using the webview.js file.

Extensions will be mainly interacting with this component to inject new native functionality.

This is the Web Browser, it will have access to all your Javascript files and DOM. You can use it to modify behaviours and pass special params.

The following variables are injected to window by default:

  • $agent: Use this to call methods defined in Extensions and main.js.
  • $logger: Use this to call the native logger.
  • jasonelle: This variable contains info like Jasonelle's version. Use this to detect if you are inside a Jasonelle Web Wrapper in your website.
if (window.jasonelle && window.jasonelle.ready) {
  // Jasonelle Detected