
A simple wrapper to record and play audio files using the native device apis.

  • Since: 3.0.2





  • Since 3.0.2

Sends the vibration alarm sound. Works for iPhones regardless of silent switch position.

Audio Player Actions

This interacts directly with AVPlayer.

The current player support up to 16 channels. With channel 0 as the default. You can individually play each channel and set options such as volume.

$audio.player.load(url, options = {channel = 0, volume = 1})

  • Since: 3.0.2

Loads an audio file from a remote url.

$audio.player.play(channel = 0, options = {})

  • Since: 3.0.2

Plays the audio file at the given channel with options. Defaults to channel 0.

$audio.player.pause(channel = 0, options = {})

  • Since: 3.0.2

Pauses the audio file playing at given channel with options. Defaults to channel 0.

Audio Recording Actions


  • Since 3.0.2

Authorizes audio recording capabilities. Must set NSMicrophoneUsageDescription in info.plist.

Returns a Promise. Rejects it if access was not granted.


$audio.recorder.authorize().then(granted => $logger.trace(`Audio Recording is granted?: ${granted}`))
   .catch(message => $logger.trace("Audio Recording Authorization Not Granted"));


  • Since 3.0.2

Starts recording. Triggers $audio.recorder.status.event every 0.5 seconds.


  • Since 3.0.2

Stops the current recording. Triggers $audio.recorder.finished.event.


  • Since 3.0.2

Pauses/Resumes the current recording.


  • Since 3.0.2

Returns the current status for the recording and additional information.


    "file": {
        "url": self.file.absoluteString,
        "url_components": self.file.pathComponents
    "state": self.state,
    "settings": self.settings,
    "time": {
        "audio": {
            "formatted": [self timeStringForTimeInterval:self.recorder.currentTime],
            "current": self.recorder.currentTime,
        "device": {
            "formatted": [self timeStringForTimeInterval:self.recorder.deviceCurrentTime],
            "current": self.recorder.deviceCurrentTime
  • Since 3.0.2

The recording ended and returns the information for the file. Audio data is encoded in a Base64 string so it can be easily send via http requests.


    "status": self.currentStatus,
    "file": {
        "url": self.file.absoluteString,
        "url_components": self.file.pathComponents,
        "data": self.base64Data,
        "uri": self.base64DataURI,
        "content_type": self.contentType,
        "time": {
            "formatted": self.duration,
            "total": self.seconds,
  • Since 3.0.2

Returns some information if there was an error recording.


   "message": error.localizedDescription,
   "code": error.code,
   "info": error.userInfo,
   "file": {
        "url": self.file.absoluteString,
        "url_components": self.file.pathComponents